Ace swords - I Of Swords

Find out the relationship, Please give thought to the essence, take a decision.
Do not find fault with little things and do not try all «calculate».
Site of the day
Today you would think of a brilliant idea that will help solve the problem or bothered to solve long muchivshuyu you a riddle. Be careful and ready «to receive the signal». So you will not only penetrate into the heart of the matter, but also get the opportunity to take the most wise decision or finally figure out relationships, have long demanded clarification.
2 swords - II Of Swords

Subjected all doubt, trust but verify.
Do not try to find a solution or course of conduct by using only one intelligence.
Site of the day
Today you will be assailed by doubts. True or decision you recently, what to do next, whether the person deserves (or sentence) of my trust? It's like missing your own inner voice, being able to remove all doubt. If you are required to express an opinion or decision, the day for this wrong today. Put the case for tomorrow: sleep on it.
3 swords - III Of Swords

Be prepared to learn about something unpleasant, but inevitable.
Do not give yourself dreams, not to be disappointed.
Site of the day
Today, you somehow have to swallow the bitter pill. You will have another fiasco in the work, «prenepriyat-Nation news» or agonizing decision. So gather, keep your back straight and try to digest it as soon as possible. Do what must be. Do not put off an unpleasant phone call or a visit to the dentist tomorrow.
4 swords - IV Of Swords

Dream soul
Forget about something, take a break and calm down.
Possible exhaustion, illness, difficulties, or deadlocked.
Site of the day
The worst thing that can be, it complete stagnation, and you have - a sense of worthlessness and broken. But perhaps this will only delay what is one of your cases, or you yourself want to defer the matter which, because today you can not get them to do. Even if such a break in the affairs comes not just from your will, it can and should be used for meditation and relaxation.
5 swords - V Of Swords

Fresh Breeze
Stop wait: it is better to lose honestly than to surrender without a fight.
Stay out in doubtful cases and searchlights.
Site of the day
Do not tune into retirement. Perhaps now you will have to engage in a battle against someone else's meanness, wickedness or slander. Fight, yet strong enough, and remember that even the black Friday in the end will change the output when you can relax. If you're in this time you are ready to stand up for truth and stand up to the end, perhaps in the future will be spared from such situations.
6 swords - VI Of Swords

New directions
Hit the road, despite delays, and embark on a new land.
Do not celebrate a coward.
Site of the day
It is possible that you already trembling knees. You expect changes, or you will be something unusual, or you are preparing to enter «the new land», and you have a nervous trembling. Main - not lose heart and do not give up. Do you want a step strongly and soberly, and then look around. Surely there is someone else who can help you.
7 swords - VII Of Swords

Sblefuyte, podtasuyte card and go unscathed.
Deceit, cunning and treachery can be used against you.
Site of the day
Be on your guard. It is possible that you now want to tightly inflate. Show everyone that you too old file and not give fooled. It is possible that you try to steal. While negotiating or signing the contract, be especially careful and read everything that is written in small print, then to not be trapped. Perhaps, however, that this card advises you to cheat yourself today or sblefovat that you have been treated with due respect and not left in the cold.
8 swords - VIII Of Swords

Gather courage and walk through your desert.
Do not make their difficulties in the endless desert.
Site of the day
If you are fasting, but now for this day the most suitable, because you somehow have to tighten their belt. You may encounter a ban, will feel a sense of Trapped and stiffness, or meet with some other limitations. Take yourself in hand - and add a step to overcome the «desert» as soon as possible. If you make sure that the desert is not the end all, try to find another way.
9 swords - IX Of Swords

Walk through your fear to the end and, if necessary, Take a penance.
Not be obsessed with their nightmares, or on those feelings and actions, which sooner or later, a man must repent.
Site of the day
If you woke up today with remorse, if you are plagued by doubts, and visions of the future are drawn in a terrifying other - immediately, at any cost come out of this nightmare! If you really in danger from the outside, here are two possibilities: Collect the spirit - and take a hit, now that it can not be avoided. If this can be avoided, then, of course, better to use an alternative. Maybe you can help, if you sincerely repent of their deeds before.
10 swords - X Of Swords

Painful Time
Fruits errors
It's time to «draw the line», decisively away with something.
Do not let thirst for destruction and not get carried away empty searchlights.
Site of the day
Today is the day of reckoning. Perhaps you are not ready to say goodbye to someone or something than it is today, especially when it comes to very expensive for you. Although, maybe you already happy about the end of their closest trouble, grief or suffering. In any case, try not to succumb to desire to destroy everything and throw out with the bath water what will later regret.
Jack swords - Page Of Swords

Accept the criticism and extract from it a lesson.
«Not plyuyte against the wind»: criticizing others, be prepared themselves to listen to a lot of unpleasant.
Site of the day
Today the wind is blowing against you. You will criticize your proposal may be rejected. Be prepared for this and not try to immediately move to counterattack. Perhaps the criticism to which you have to listen, really contains a lot of value. Listen to her, and then, perhaps, for you a lot clearer.
Rider swords - Knight Of Swords

Avoid conflict.
See, the conflict has not led to a sharp cooling and deterioration of the atmosphere in the team.
Site of the day
Rather cool day today, and the wind all the time in the face. Well, the conflict because the conflict, not avoid it. You just have to keep a clear head and to respond clearly and calmly. Try not to get involved in, think over their tactics and discuss without emotion. Then in the most difficult conflict you can win. But even if the conflict ends «tie», or you lose, do not worry: this is also going to benefit you.
Queen swords - Queen Of Swords

Learn how to choose the arguments, be independent, resourceful and witty.
The cynicism and cold calculation for you - the worst quality.
Site of the day
Today you can big exposures of the most fantastic trick. If you still feel constrained, dependent on whom you or something, then you now have a chance to make the right decision once and for all get rid of all this. But see, that this desire for independence had not resulted in a war against all and sundry, which is likely to lead you very far. It is also possible that you will be meeting with an intelligent woman. Listen to it carefully, it can play an important role in your fate.
King swords - King Of Swords

Dissociate themselves and look at the situation from the outside.
You can not base their plans on mere theoretical speculation.
Site of the day
Today you have to test for resourcefulness, knowledge of tactics and the ability to use the lessons learned. Prepare a compelling plan, selects arguments, do not forget to use his charm and wit - and support you provided. Be clear your mind of exactly where the situation requires a very long time solutions. If you do have a lot of time can not cope with the problem, then invite a competent specialist, to give you professional advice.